domingo, 20 de setembro de 2015



Libe ration theologians also use Jesus’ words in Matt hew 10:34 to promote the idea that the church should be involved in activism: “Do not sup pose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Jesus, according to liberation theology, pushed not for social stabi lity  but for social unrest. curso de bacharel em teologia


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Critics of liberation theol ogy ass ociate it with Marxism and see it as a religious form of failed socialist policies. Vat ican officials, including several popes, have sp oken against liberation theology. The reasons for Catholic opp osition involve libera tion theology’s emphasis on practice over doctrine and their rejection of chu rch hierarchical structure—libera tion theology advocates “base communities” that meet outside the confines of the church, effe ctively bypassing Catholic clergy. mestrado em teologia

Libera tion theo logy has moved beyond the poor peasants in South and Central America. Haiti and South Africa are also ho me to forms of liberation theology. In the United States, black liberation theology is pre ached in so me churc hes such as Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ. A related theological movem ent is feminist liberation theology, which views women as the oppre ssed group that must be liber ated. curso de teologia completo

The Bible certa inly teaches follo wers of Christ to care for the poor (Galatians 2:10James 2:15–161 John 3:17), and we should sp eak out against injus tice. And, yes, the Bible warns repeatedly against the deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4:19). How ever, liberatio n theology goes wrong in a couple of places. F or one, it places social action on equal foo ting wi th the gospel message. curso de mestrado em teologia

As important as feed ing the hu ngry is, it cannot take the pl ace of the gos pel of Christ (see Acts 3:6). Mankind’s primary need is spiritual, not social. Also, the gospel is for all peo ple, inclu ding the ri ch (Luke 2:10). Visitors to the Ch rist Child included both shep herds and magi; both groups were welcome. To assign s pecial stat us to any group as being prefer red by God is to discriminate, some thing God does not do (Acts 10:34–35). Christ brings unity to His church, not division along socio-ec onomic, racial, or gender lin es (Ephesians 4:15).

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